Internet Jamb Klub (mod) 32 - unlimited money for android
Internet Jamb Klub (mod) 32

Internet Jamb Klub (mod) 32

Game Information of Internet Jamb Klub

App Name Internet Jamb Klub
Package Name b4a.intjambklub
Version 32
Size 3.3 MB
Requirement Android 4.1+
Updated 2021-02-08
Installs 10,000+
Category Board, Games

Internet Jamb Klub free Unlimited money for android

Internet Jamb Klub Download free Modded game with unlimited coins/gems for android

Download id: b4a.intjambklub

Jamb možete igrati sa drugim članovima Internet Jamb Kluba ili sami u lokalu.

Sami možete igrati na 3 različite table, ili ako ste registrovan član na 5 različitih tabli.

Internet Jamb Klub radi od 2006. godine na Windows platformi, i do sada je u Klubu odigrano preko 1.300.000 partija! Sada je omogućena igra i na Android uređajima (mobilni telefoni i tableti).

U Klubu je moguće čatovati s drugim članovima Kluba, kibicovati partije igrača, igrati sa drugim članovima Kluba (pojedinačno ili u parovima), takmičiti se u Nedeljnoj ligi, Mesečnoj ligi i Kupu!

Za članove postoje brojne nagrade: na osnovu rezultata postignutih u takmičanjima, nagračuju se najbolji rezultati za sve table svakog meseca…

Članovima su dostupni mnogi statistički podaci: o radu Kluba, takmičenjima, statistike igrača, podaci o odigranim i prekinutim partijama…

Novi član Kluba ima pravo da igra neograničen broj partija 7 dana, sa manjim ograničenjima: igra na 3 table, ne može da se takmiči u Ligi i Kupu. Uplatom najmanje 10 kredita, član stiče sva prava kao i ostali članovi Kluba.

Detaljnije o svim mogućnostima pogledajte na:
You can play Jamb with other members of the Internet Jamb Club or alone in the bar.

You can play on 3 different boards yourself, or if you are a registered member on 5 different boards.

Internet Jamb Club has been working on the Windows platform since 2006, and so far over 1,300,000 games have been played in the Club! The game is now enabled on Android devices (mobile phones and tablets).

In the Club it is possible to chat with other members of the Club, to match games of players, to play with other members of the Club (individually or in pairs), to compete in the Weekly League, Monthly League and Cup!

There are numerous prizes for members: based on the results achieved in competitions, the best results for all boards are awarded each month …

Many statistical data are available to members: about the work of the Club, competitions, player statistics, data on played and interrupted games …

A new member of the Club has the right to play an unlimited number of games for 7 days, with minor restrictions: he plays on 3 boards, he cannot compete in the League and the Cup. By paying at least 10 credits, the member acquires all the rights as other members of the Club.

For more details on all possibilities, see:
1. Prikaz smajlija i mogućnost klika na link kod čatovanja,
2. Ispravka grešaka i povećanje stabilnosti

Download APK (3.3 MB)

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